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BAD Roads, BAD Backs!

BAD Roads, BAD Backs!

  • October 18, 2018

Long hours of travelling in traffic and plying on roads filled with potholes can take a toll on your musculoskeletal system, including back, neck and spine. Dr Sachin Bhatt talks about health risks and complications that Mumbai’s pot-holes and road bumps pose to many travelers everyday…

What happens when the spine is constantly subjected to travelling over potholes?

Constant jerks caused by travelling over bad roads lead to cyclic loading on the back and this leads to chronic back pain. There would be slip disc and, in certain, cases might affect the nerves supplying the legs. Also, constant jerks can give rise to severe back muscle spasms and pain. There is cyclic loading on the back and that affects the inter-vertebral joints.

Spine Bones Injury

What are the different back problems that occur-thanks to Mumbai’s bad roads?

Patients have severe back muscle spasm that is severe stiffness of the back. It can lead to disc prolapse and also degenerative arthritis of the inter-vertebral joints in the back. Chronic pain can occur.

Back pain from driving
Incorrect Posture

Are there any exercises that one can do to ease this pain or is medication/ surgery the only solution?

These pain can be treated by medications to relieve the back muscle spasm followed by exercises. Various back muscle strengthening exercises are prescribed by the Physiotherapist. Yoga for the back is also helpful.  In severe cases, a surgery would be required.

Since travelling is unavoidable, are there any tips that motorists/ travelers should follow?

Travelers should drive carefully and avoid jerks. Bikes with good shock absorbers should be used. One should have good strong back muscles, which can be developed with regular exercises. The best possible solution would be to avoid bikes completely. In case of cars, you could use pillow/cushion near lower back.

Consultant dr-sachin-bhat.jpg 
Dr. Sachin Bhat 
Orthopaedic Surgeon
SRV Hospital, Goregaon West

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