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Eat Healthy!Stay Fit!!

Eat Healthy!Stay Fit!!

  • April 10, 2020

Life is not normal at the moment, sleeping patterns are all over the place, exercise is difficult, people prefer throwing healthy habits out of the window. For some booze and junk food feels like an easy way to cheer themselves up. So how to stay healthy during the lockdown?

During these days of lockdown due to the COVID-19 outbreak, most of us have several areas of concern.  While most of us would be taking all the precautionary measures recommended by WHO, curtailing travelling, not attending large gatherings, it’s very important to boost our immunity. We need to figure out ‘how to eat and what to eat’ in order to keep our immunity intact, how to manage healthy meals with limited ingredients on hand, how to cook when some of us may not be very experienced cooks and also how to be disciplined about our diet and health goals.

Happy gut: It sounds cliché and old school but it is very important to keep your gut healthy in order to build strong immunity and no one knows it better than mother nature. If you can keep your gut healthy, you keep fit and healthy. To strengthen your immunity, consume supplements in the form of immune nutrients such as vitamins A, C, E and Bcomplex, zinc, selenium and copper which helps in fighting the pathogens.

Eat right, Eat clean: Be mindful of what you eat, keeping in mind the fact that your body is made up of what you consume daily. Citrus fruits should be your first preference as they are rich in vitamin C and help in strengthening immunity. Consume colored fruits like yellow, orange and green leafy vegetables. Reduce consumption of oily and packed foods.

Avoid Snacking:  It is extremely important to give your body good nutrition to keep the immunity strong, many of us are attracted towards snacking due to the taste factor, but processed foods are loaded with sugar and additives which have no benefit but weaken the immune system.

Especially in today’s scenario when everyone is locked in their houses with long sitting hours and limited exercise, intermediate snacking is not required. Strictly following a three-meals-per-day approach without any added snacks will ultimately help prevent weight gain and boosting immunity system over the next few weeks. If you must snack, snack on filling, low-calorie options such as raw vegetables, popcorn and berries.

Lighten your favorite recipes: Home quarantine gives us ample time to cook, and that is a good thing as far as nutrition is concerned. The only issue is that we can get a little heavy-handed with the home-cooked meals, and indulge in calorie-dense, higher-fat options when we have time to plan and prepare more elaborate dishes. If you love baking and trying new dishes, shift to their lighter versions to reduce extra calories.

Take healthy tea breaks: Since the coronavirus pandemic forces you to work at home, you might not be able to enjoy work breaks and have coffee or tea with colleagues, resulting in noticeable changes in your daily routine. So why not make yourself a cup of tea every one or two hours?  Although tea — specifically herbal tea — is a low-calorie option, green tea in particular is packed with various antioxidants and potential health benefits without any added calories.

COVID19 has undoubtedly put the whole world in a disturbing situation, where everyone is scared of self-isolation and is quarantined. It’s not only the responsibility of the healthcare workers to take care of us but also the responsibility of every one of us to take care of ourselves and our loved ones by boosting the immunity in the most healthier way.

Eat smart! Stay Healthy!!

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