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Health Goals: Birds of feather flock together

Health Goals: Birds of feather flock together

  • July 2, 2019

We love our friends, they make us laugh, cry, out up with your crazy and watch out for us during bad times. It’s like standing with an army. Never alone. So it is not surprising that research states that friends have a great impact on your health (and weight).

People with obese friends are 57% more likely to gain weight. Does that mean we should be friends with only thin people? Hold that thought! It’s a human tendency that we get along with people those have the same kind of lifestyle, daily routine and goals in life. For example, people who get up early in the morning every weekend and run for several miles tend to have more friends with fitness in their mind.

People feel compatible and connect with each other more easily when they have same set of minds. So now is the time you might want to look at the impact your friends are having on your health initiatives.

If you have friends who are in great shape or talk about healthy diet and workouts, take advantage of that by asking them questions about how they stay motivated to follow a healthy regime, you might want to borrow their healthy recipes as well.

Following are some of the tips which can help you in reaching health goals with the help your clique:

  • Discuss your health goals: Following a restrict routine is the key to achieve your goals, generally people don’t discuss their routine and goals, out of fear in case of failure they would be mocked for it. However, sharing your goals and routine with your health partner helps you in achieving your health goals and will motivate you to stick to it.
  • Understand your potential and capabilities: It’s a common scenario that people set unnatural and impractical goals, which are generally unrealistic to achieve and leads to demotivated individual, importantly when you are trying to achieve your health goals in a group try to be mindful of everyone’s capabilities and potential.
  • Choose your friends wisely: Leading a healthy life is not a swag but is a way of living. Eating healthy may be your need of the hour but not for someone else. When you are on the verge of attaining your goals, avoid friend who you think can demotivate you or might put negative thoughts in your mind regarding your diet plan.
  • Relationship is always about give and take: Although a friend with less healthy habits might influence you for a healthy life, you can also influence them to live a healthy life. Try out anew salad restaurant in town, go for an evening walk instead of a drink or have a green in café instead of ice-cream.

Lifestyle change has to come from within, if your developing a healthier lifestyle try to be role model for your friends. If your friends look up to you for your help in order to lead a healthy journey, be supportive and help them achieve their goals as well.

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