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Healthier you during pandemic with Tea!!

Healthier you during pandemic with Tea!!

  • October 14, 2020

Coronavirus is spreading through every country like a wildfire, and it is terrifying. But, through this quarantine period, we should also make it to a point that we keep ourselves healthy. Whether you’re taking vitamins, eating healthy, working out, and drinking green tea, all these things factor in to help boost our immune system.


It is a very known fact that green tea is high in L-Theanine, an amino acid that may help in reducing anxiety. In a very uncertain time where people are living in fear and are losing their jobs due to COVID-19, a lot are going anxious and are stressed especially that most people cannot go to their jobs to work and earn money. Companies, on the other hand, are filing for bankruptcy.

Which is why it is very important to stay level headed while we are experiencing this unfortunate situation. But, stressing on something that we all have no control over will not only take a toll on our mental and emotional health. According to a recent study, stress also affects our immune system.


According to research, tea is the second most drink beverage in the world, next to water. And, maybe it’s for a great reason! Tea contains caffeine, just like coffee. But, the main difference between a good ‘ole cup of joe and tea is that you will NEVER experience a sudden energy crush nor jitters.

Green tea is also an excellent drink if you want to spike up your metabolism and a great post-workout morning drink. And good news for people who love to work out in the morning!


We live in a world where health is wealth, especially when the world is at a standstill due to the COVID-19 pandemic which affected the lives of many. It is very important that we take good care of ourselves and not let our immune system be vulnerable.

Several studies have also shown that green tea has antimicrobial properties that inhibit the growth of bacteria and viruses. Two particular polyphenol catechins, – epigallocatechingallate(EGCG) and – epicatechingallate(ECG) have the ability to suppress the activities of bacterial and viral factors and can even reverse the resistance of tough pathogens, such as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus Aureus(MRSA).  Pieces of evidence suggest that the two catechin molecules can be used to effectively control various oral infections, such as dental caries, periodontal disease, tooth decay, and bad breath.


Green tea contains antioxidants catechins. These antioxidants have anti-bacterial properties, which helps to improve the immune system’s capabilities. Bacterial infections, including skin infections, are healed. This means you will have a healthy-looking and pimple-free skin which is always a nice thing to know!

These same antioxidants also help with inflammation reduction. The skin won’t be as red, with various ailments improving faster. Acne is improved and reduced, while scars heal much quicker.

In addition, you can also use your (recently) used green tea bags to de-puff your “designer” eyebags! All you have to do is to carefully remove your tea bags off the boiling teapot, let it cool, pop it in the fridge for two hours then you can now use it! You can finally say goodbye to tired-looking eyes and dark circles too.

There are also compounds that help with the rejuvenation of the skin. The compounds reactivate the skin cells, helping to promote healing and softness. Not only will you have better-looking skin, but you can also help to limit and reverse some of the damage caused by pollution and the sun. It could also be possible to reduce the risks of skin cancer.

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