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Ladies…here’s what wearing high heels at work means for you.

Ladies…here’s what wearing high heels at work means for you.

  • September 23, 2018

Wearing high heels at work is not only a fashion statement for women, it is also considered a part of professional dressing. Even though that’s a very personal choice, one should be aware of the damaging effects of wearing high heels.

Your Doctor knows Best in conversation with Dr. Sachin Bhat……..

What are the repercussions of wearing heels on a daily basis?

The ill-effects of wearing high heels range from the effects on toes to all the way up to the back. There might be bunions in the toes, it can also result into what we call a hammer toe where the toes are pointed downwards as they are squeezed in the small footwear.

As the ball of the feet take all the weight, there would be inflammation of joints of the toes with foot. Due to stretching, the soles would become sore. There can be associated sprains and fractures of the ankle.

Symptoms pain on foot - saaurabh

There can be Plantar Fasciitis, a condition where there is severe pain in the heel. As the Achilles tendon is shortened, there can be long-term contractures of the tendon and long-term pain in the calf muscles. It can lead to knee pain and long term strain on the knee joint cartilage. As the posture is changed while walking with heels, there would be long-term effects on the back and spine that give rise to chronic pain.

Aside from the damage to the feet, does it affect posture?

The posture is affected when walking with high heels, this also leads to chronic back pain. The muscles of the back becomes stiff and it may cause long-term effects to the vertebral column like slipped disc and other conditions.

Also, does it impact one’s ability to walk?

It leads to taking small strides and even after one stops wearing high heels, it can cause small steps and strain on foot while walking. It also affects running and jogging which can be slower in pace with smaller strides.

From a medical stand point, what kind of shoes should one wear and how often?

One should wear comfortable soft shoes with soft insoles, preferably sportswear. If there is a dress code then use comfortable footwear with soft insoles. Avoid tight footwear.

Any tips for those forced to wear heels?

Wear heels for days when there is less walking intended. Remove them every 30 minutes and stretch the calf and foot muscles. Walk bare feet for a few minutes after you have removed them in the breaks. Wear straps or pads over the Achilles tendon or over toes where the shoes hurt so as to protect them.

Consultant dr-sachin-bhat.jpg
Dr. Sachin Bhat
Orthopaedic Surgeon

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