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Rain-proof your Active Lifestyle!

Rain-proof your Active Lifestyle!

  • July 4, 2019

Monsoon is an excellent excuse for not exercising as continuous raining does not allow people to step out of their houses for walk or exercise however, it is needed to stay fit and boost your immunity levels. We all tend to enjoy spicy and fried food, that combined with lack of exercise along in monsoon increases body weight considerably.

Exercising can be fun during monsoon season as there are plenty of fun activities within the house which can help us enjoy monsoon and stay fit. Here are some of the activities which can help you in monsoon season as well.

  • Rain Dance: Dancing is one of the best cardio vascular exercise, which helps in stretching and burning of calories. Above all monsoon gives all the reasons to dance. So get your dancing shoes on and tap your feet on the latest tracks without caring about the steps.
  • Basic warm up and stretching: A basic warm up and stretching gives your day a kick start.Warm up and stretching not only prepares body for exercise but also helps in increasing rate of metabolism and heart rate. Old people are actually advised to do stretching as it helps their muscles to stay in movement. So what we can do in monsoon when we can’t go out for walk. We can do spot jogging, stationary bicycling, or skipping.
  • Yoga: Yoga assans can be done under the supervision of an expert at home. Yoga exercises recharge the body and mind. 15-20 minutes of yoga exercise and help you restore your flexibility and strength.
  • Undertake your household chores: One can take up pending household chores which helps in maintaining the flexibility. Cleaning closets and racks not only helps in maintaining flexibility and reducing the flies and infections. The entire family can be a part of this activity and can a bonding activity as well.
  • Climbing Stairs: Monsoon does not allow much of a foot movement, in order to keep your legs moving climbing stairs is the best option. Climbing stairs for 20 minutes helps in burning fatty acids. Climbing stairs helps in burning calories more than what one can achieve by walking. If you don’t have stairs at home one can use wooden box to climb up and down.
  • Gardening at home: Monsoon helps in growing trees. Confined at home one thing that can still give you exposure to greenery and keeps you connected to nature. You can also involve your kids into this activity. This helps in bonding with nature, also you will be able to distract your kids from TV and mobile screens.
  • Go shopping: Going for shopping is always fun, endless walking in malls helps in burning calories. So if you can afford, or even if you are OK to do window shopping, this is the also something that you can look forward.

The monsoon is known to bring happiness and pleasure. We can plan our exercises, eat light food and welcome the rain God in a pleasant manner rather than brooding over weight gain and inactivity. We can just find more innovative ways to keep ourselves active, fit and happy during the monsoon season.

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