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The psychological effects of ongoing pandemic

The psychological effects of ongoing pandemic

  • September 22, 2020

As coronavirus cases present a sharp increase with every passing day, there has also been a critical spike in the number of patients suffering from mental health issues around the globe. Presumably, nobody would have expected such a pandemic in the modern era. Even though medical science has reached the zenith of advancements, we are, at present, facing a circumstance which has shocked numerous researchers, doctors and experts. As infection cases present a sharp increase with every passing day, the impact of coronavirus is not just restricted to physical health, but the nationwide lockdown throughout the country, massive social distancing and home quarantine have come with psychological fallout as well.

Overpowering emotional well-being

The pandemic has essentially influenced our way of life, career and economy over the last few weeks. There has been a critical spike in the number of patients suffering from mental health issues around the world. People from all walks of life and of all age groups are experiencing stress, anxiety, panic and depression. There are a lot of reasons likewise the fear of losing jobs, earnings, savings and basic resources like groceries, medical supplies, etc. Moreover, there is a constant fear of disease transmission giving rise to many unfamiliar conditions, like:

Mass Hysteria– It is the condition in which a group of people going through some similar conditions gets characterized by anxiety, irrational behaviour or beliefs, or inexplicable symptoms of illness.  We are used to follow our elder’s beliefs and this pandemic has brought to the situation where people are helpless to help someone and clueless to what to believe and what not to believe, as a result a big percentage of population is suffering from Mass Hysteria.

Xenophobia-  India is a country which was already facing a lot of issues due to beliefs of casteism, racism and gender inequality. This pandemic has added one more to it, it has given all the reasons to dislike or be prejudice against a set of people who have been under some specific conditions, in other words were infected with coronavirus or are taking care of infected patients.

Stigma and Marginalisation- People are facing ill treatment due to the physical conditions, which is ultimately hampering the self-esteem and giving them disgrace.

  In addition to this, the lockdown has induced a significant increment in withdrawal manifestations because of inaccessibility to liquor, tobacco and different addictive substances. All these factors have overwhelmed our mental outlook.

The worst affected: It has been noted that senior citizens and their caretakers are the ones who are the worst affected with psychological concerns amid the pandemic-related lockdown. While senior citizens are experiencing panic attacks out of fear and isolation, their caretakers are tired. Apart from this, senior citizens are suffering from intense stress because of a deviation from their everyday standard and slipping into depression over loneliness.Not just older adults, even youngsters are falling prey to mental disturbances out of the coronavirus scare. Teens and young adults from around the world have been complaining about anxiety, sleep disturbances and constant worries of acquiring coronavirus.

Tips for overcoming mental health issues

  • Follow daily routines
  • Avoid reading or knowing too much information about COVID-.19
  • Follow breathing exercises and meditation
  • Connect with people through technology, but don’t discuss about the virus
  • Beware of fake news and spread of misinformation
  • Pursue new hobbies – reading, cooking, quizzes, riddles, puzzles, etc
  • Feel good about contributing to wellness of the country by staying indoors
  • Spend time with children, indulge in their activities
  • Stay calm and strong (lockdown is temporary and things will be fine)
  • Life is more important than any of the comforting things we desire for. Have hope and faith about the future, and be mindful in the present

Coronavirus outbreak has affected the entire human race and has left a profound mental burden. Following suitable convention and protocol can surely help us to successfully combat the situation.

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