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Dr. Sushil Patil Dr. Sushil Patil

Dr. Sushil Patil

  • Available:  By appointment
  • MBBS, MD - Radio Diagnosis

“Dr. Sushil Patil” Locations

About “Dr. Sushil Patil”

With his passion for Minimally invasive treatments to treat various diseases, after completion of MD in Radiology, Dr. Sushil Patil joined Interventional Radiology at prestigious Tata Memorial Centre. He has excelled in Various USG & CT Image guided Procedures, Peripheral angioplasties, oncological Interventions, Difficult Vascular access, Varicose veins treatments which are essentially stitch less treatment modalities.

Key Expertise:
Difficult CT/USG guided Procedures, Peripheral Vascular Interventions, Dialysis related Interventions, Onco interventions

Offered Services

Interventional Radiology 9 Service(s)
Deep Vein Thrombosis
Diabetic Foot Management
Hepatic Cancer
Hepato Biliary Interventions
Peripheral Vascular Disease
Radiofrequency Ablation
Varicose Veins Laser Ablation



  • Share Profile:
Dombivli8603 600 600
Goregaon 7209 600 600
Chembur 8451 800 800
Nashik 9607 999 200
Bangalore080 4792 2925

Specialities & Treatments

SRV Hospital is a state-of-the-art multispecialty tertiary care facility in Goregaon that brings to the community a unique healthcare experience where a community of caregivers works closely with renowned doctors in a collaborative approach to improve both the health of our patients and the practice of medicine.

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